About Behear – We bring stories to life
About Behear
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Sed nec tortor magna. Nullam sit amet ligula eu turpis aliquet condimentum. Fusce blandit iaculis sapien. Nulla at nunc vitae ex aliquet porta. Nulla facilisi.
Proin nec orci in dolor consectetur viverra quis sed mi. Etiam non tortor ultricies purus faucibus varius. Curabitur porttitor placerat arcu quis placerat. Curabitur eleifend fringilla dui vitae hendrerit. Suspendisse velit ligula, tincidunt nec neque ut, vehicula porta lorem.
Morbi sit amet vehicula lorem. Donec vitae volutpat odio. Morbi in metus auctor velit faucibus aliquet. Curabitur quis est ac dui posuere placerat. Nam condimentum nunc quis metus pellentesque molestie. Proin sollicitudin massa eget orci lacinia hendrerit. Suspendisse congue nisi id augue tristique, ac tempor diam interdum.
Nullam volutpat egestas mi, non pretium dolor eleifend a. Sed convallis a lorem ac vestibulum.
Fusce lectus sapien, accumsan at dolor a, posuere ornare odio. Nulla convallis turpis vitae velit cursus laoreet. Aenean scelerisque iaculis libero, et malesuada lorem hendrerit quis. Suspendisse potenti.
Integer nisl purus, vestibulum eget nisi et, accumsan viverra magna. Mauris velit ipsum, fringilla ac placerat vel, scelerisque non risus. Praesent hendrerit dui a commodo fringilla. Ut orci risus, mattis a egestas in, ornare placerat elit.

About our authors
Dean Jones
Dean is originally from Barrow-in-Furness, in the north-west of England. He has had a love of writing since he was 12 years old following an exercise at school where he was asked to write a poem about a stream, which ran through Eskdale in Cumbria, during a class trip. The work brought a large amount of praise (always good for a young boy) which sparked the creative fires that still burn today.
Dean likes to write tales that provoke thought and contain emotional elements to lift the heart.
His first novel, Father of Storms, took seven years to complete but once he finished, he couldn’t wait to write more.
Now living in Cheshire with his wife and their blended family of six children, Dean continues to write as much as he can. His hope is that readers take as much pleasure from reading his stories as he did in writing them.
Stuart Morris
Stuart Morris is a long-standing, holistic practitioner. Over 28 years ago, using natural therapies, He won his battle with cancer.
Ever since he’s been motivated to help heal and empower others.
He has written a number of books around his interaction with Harry. And tells the story of his interactions and learning from this entity.
- Member of the College of Medicine
- Member of Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary – listed as a healer
- Member of The Guild of Therapy Lecturers – Associate Member
- Member of The British Association of Hypnotherapy BA Hyp
- Member of the Complimentary Medical Association CMA
- Member of The International Centre for Clinical Excellence ICCE
- Member of the International Institute
- Holistic Therapist, IIHHT Dip
- EFT cc
Colin Sinclair
Colin lives just outside the city of York in the beautiful Yorkshire countryside. He has been married for 34 years and has two children and grandchildren.
He has been acting and singing on stage since he was a teenager and still, today performs at the large theatres in the region both acting and singing in lead roles.
He is a gym enthusiast and has competed in natural bodybuilding competitions and also engages in many sports such as Badminton, Squash and Bouldering. He has two dogs which keep him busy walking through the countryside.
Before settling in Yorkshire, he was brought up in the Middle East, where his parents worked in the Oil Industry and spent the rest of his time in the UK at boarding school. This is where his love for words came from and he has written poetry for many years.
He now has the time to pursue his passion for writing and has written his first book in a fantasy series that he says has been in his head for longer than he cares to remember
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